Thursday, January 18, 2007

Still Here

Still in El Bolson, short summary- not one flyable day from December 8th to the 25th! Lots of rain and wind. The best place I could be to just chill out, which is what I wanted. Learned of a movie that a local pilot here is trying to make about the Andean Condor and what a paraglider pilot can learn from them. The condors can live 60 years and fly the same routes learned from their parents in search of food, often 200km per day! A couple good XC days came in January and as always I was ready, flew in a group 2 days, once making it quite close to getting the epic El Bolson to Bariloche flight. Martin was the only pilot to make it that day and said it was the most technical flight he´s ever had. Very memorable flight for me. I´ve considered buying land here but have not done the work to look around, also the market has gone up considerably in last few years and summer is not the time to get the best price. I guess I´ll be around for a little longer as I seem not to be able to leave!

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