Friday, April 6, 2007

Escape From Lakeside
There are now only a handful of pilots here in Pokhara, weather has gone for flying XC and I've heard reports of good flying conditions in India so quick better make a blog entry pack up and get moving! Last week I needed to return to Katmandu to get my visa for Pakistan, decided to put in a new cylinder and piston in the Bullet while I was at it, actually that was decided for me. I stayed a little longer because an impromtue SIV was organized by friends here, 5 of us threw our reserves over the lake and only paid $3 for it as we had the local kids do the retrieve! And oh yeah I bought a tandem! Scott was daring enough to be my passenger for 2 flights, the second landing a little short (see pictures). Now I've progressed to giving Nepali's who can't afford to pay a chance to fly for free, a really cool experience for me. Speaking of Scott Mason check out what he's doing with the birds this year on his Parahawking website. He's working with an Egyptian Vulture for the first time who he has just trained to land on his head, you gotta see the pictures! click here. Maybe he'll get a little video on YouTube, it's priceless. For anyone who I haven't told my great claim to fame is that there is a raptor named after me and this year it continues to be the star performer in Scott's Parahawking courses. As for social going's on Nadine and Lopsong just got married! This provided an excuse for everyone to get together during which time I kept reflecting on how many amazing people this sport has allowed me to meet. That night at Maya Devi and the next at the Moondance restaurant I kept thinking that whatever mistakes I have made in life the one thing beyond reproach is the company I keep and how lucky I feel to be surround by such a good group of people. Until we meet again you will all be in my heart, cheers my friends, to us!

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