Some of you have been waiting to hear about Pakistan, wait no more. And I say this not to be dramatic or romantic, though if it comes out sounding romantic or dramatic I don't mind because I mean to be factual and at the same time move you. I feel as everything that has happened in my life has prepared me to reach and react to this point and time in my life. Here- Chitral Pakistan, Now- no other moment but this. I could not have handled it before, that is why I hadn't come, It had to be now, any year earlier I wouldn't have had the flying skills to deal safely with this area, any year earlier I would have been preoccupied with thoughts of work or relationships in my life. One year ago I looked through a guidebook for Pakistan and had seen a track log someone posted on the internet of a flight near Nanga Parbat, this sparked my interest. Looking back I can see how everything since then prepared me to be here, now. Thank god I missed comming to India in the fall because it was a wash. Lucky I didn't decide to get into smokejumping this year because I would have missed this. Anyway enough enough enough, Fuck expecations, and realize that because this is going to create some for you; this is the most amazing place I've ever been. And now the words come hard because how do I back up a statement like that? The people, the history, the diversity, the godamn mountains! The experiences are a bit hard to describe, everything sounds so much cheaper when it comes out in words, in my head the feelings are.. intense.
Good, anyway now I've built it up a little too much for you, perhaps I've peaked your interest? I had a very clear idea the other day during a flight, well two really, one was that I have forgiven all who I have have perceived to have wronged me, I wish them success and happiness in life. The second is that I will bring more people to fly here, either directly on a tour or by sharing information about it so you can travel independently. Yesterday I made a website, it took only a couple hours so it is not by any means professional, but I need to get the word out now while there is time to plan for September October. I think getting people to come on a tour will require word of mouth from you my friends who I've met over the years and traveled with. The logistics are very easy and I've made some helpful well connected local contacts. I'm sure I can provide I good product, that is to provide logistical support to get to an amazing place and connect travelers to the local culture for an amazing experience beyond just the flying. What I'm not sure about is if I can get anyone to sign up! Please help by sharing this with anyone who may be interested. Check out the webpage at
I guess I haven't talked about the flying at all, I've put some more pictures on my fliker site under Chitral that should give an idea. In 2 midday flights I found the flying to require a lot of attention, because it's so dry thermals are strong but multiple cores and turbulence require a lot of attention to stay with. There is more sink around compared to recent flying in Bir, as well I found different winds at altitude. Getting over 5000 meters was pretty straightforward on both flights, one flight I gained over 6000, the valley floor is 1500 meters. The biggest XC I managed was a 40km out and back. Fernando and I found a new launch two hours up valley from Chitral near a village called Booni. It is at 3800 meters and has a lot of potential however bad weather made for just a top to bottom flight for us. In 3 weeks we've flown only 5 days with several others being flyable but the last 2 weeks unstable weather has meant unflyable days. Many locals say the weather is unusual this year, more rain and clouds than normal. I expect the fall to be a bit more stable than the spring and hopefully less turbulance but still high cloudbase. People have flown over 7000 in late October from the Hunza Valley so Chitral should be the same.
So who's going to be here in the Fall!?