Hard to know what to think of a place like Pakistan if you haven't been there isn't it? So many different views and such a negative perspective from the Media. Well my advice, listen to another travelers opinion and give that more weight to that than to what you see on Television. Over and over we tell children that what they see on TV isn't real, well I'm telling you the same, if you go to Pakistan, your experience like mine will be an entirely different world than your expectation, but if your like most people you'll believe the headlines first so here are some fun ones I've found.

For a more interesting look at Pakistan try reading "3 Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson
And my reality is I've been trying to leave Nepal for weeks but the promise of just one more flight with Kevin and the huge increase in tandem business has made it hard. That and I haven't packed. Kevin's had his last flight for the season, he's starting to molt. I'm getting very close but now the elections happen on the 10th of April and the borders will be closed for a couple days. Soon, soon, I'll be on the road to Bir and big fun solo flying getting ready for Pakistan in May!